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Enter the CD, DVD or game you want to sell below:

Group Name or Artist (Last Name Only) or CD, DVD or game title (1 or 2 words) or Bar Code #


This is the list of Discs you want to sell.

  • To remove an item from the list, click REMOVE THIS CD to the right of the CD you want to remove.
  • To change the condition of the Disc, simply click the current condition.
  • Continue building your quote by searching for more items above.
  • You can only add a maximum of two of any CD to your quote. Attempts to sell more than two of the
    same CD will be ignored.


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In order to maximize postage and processing, you must sell a minimum of 6 or more CDs at a time.
Come on! You know you have a few more laying around, anyway!
Please select more CDs to sell by entering a new search above.



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Other Resources for music and movies: - Extensive database of artist and music information. - Huge source of info for movies, DVDs and games. - Lots of inside info on many bands and their music.
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