Be sure to always follow these guidelines when caring for your used CDs and used DVDs. Doing so
will keep them in top playable condition and looking their best, and will also help them to maintain
their re-sale value.
1. Always keep the disc in its plastic jewel case or its DVD case when it's not being played. It only takes
seconds to put the disc away, but it's the main thing you can do to care for your discs.
2. Remember that the playing side is the side without the printing; however, care must be taken to insure
that both sides remain free from scratches (as the actual data is stored directly underneath the printing
on the "top" of the CD). Take care to not allow scratches on either side of the
disc. Although the disc is
only touched by a
laser light in its player, scratches on either side can cause the disc to not play correctly.
3. Never store your discs in an area like a closed car (where the temperature gets to be too hot for
comfort), or in direct sunlight. Anything above freezing to about 95 degrees (fahrenheit) should be okay.
Heat can cause discs to warp, and can render a CD or a DVD unplayable.
CD or DVD Cleaning Tip:
When cleaning the suface of your CDs or
DVDs, use a soft, clean cloth and a straight
motion from the center toward the outside
edge. If necessary, you can use either
distilled water, or a mild solution of 10%
isopropyl alcohol and distilled water
That's it. Pretty basic stuff, but if you follow these simple guidelines, your used CDs and used DVDs
will give you many years of enjoyment. And we'll always be here to buy the used discs that you've
finally gotten tired of playing.


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Other Resources for music and movies:
AllMusic.com - Extensive database of artist and music information.
RottenTomatoes.com - Huge source of info for movies, DVDs and games.
MattsMusicPage.com - Lots of inside info on many bands and their music.
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